Ömer Alkin is a media and cultural studies scholar and filmmaker. His research focus is migration, media, film, audiovisual culture and digital education. His book German-Turkish Film Culture in the Context of Migration is the first anthology written in German on this theme for more than twenty years. His writings can be found in numerous books and newspapers. His topical research focusses on occidentalism, digital education & racism and postmigration. He lives in Cologne.
Selected Academic publications:
- (2019): Die visuelle Kultur der Migration. Ästhetik, Geschichte und Polyzentrisierung des Migrationskinos. Reihe: Postmigrantische Studien. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag (forthcoming)
- (Ed.) (2017): Deutsch-Türkische Filmkultur im Migrationskontext. Wiesbaden: VS Springer Verlag
- Prolegomena für eine kritische Okzidentalismusforschung. In: inamo. Analysen zu Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens. Heft 98, Sommer (2019).
- with Mehmet Bayrak. Kritik von Fortschrittsnarrativen im deutsch-türkischen Migrationskontext – Migrationskino und Diasporamoscheen im Integrationsdispositiv. Global Media Journal 8 (1) (2018).
- The Filmic Realization of a Third Space in Vatanyolu (1987). In: Media Fields Journal 12 (2017).
- Re-Writing Turkish-German Cinema from the Bottom-Up: Turkish Emigration Cinema. In: Ibrahim Sirkeci, Betül Dilara Şeker und Ali Çağlar (Ed.) (2015): Turkish Migration, Identity and Integration. London: Transnational Press, 115-131.