Studied media sciences at University of Siegen from 2008 to 2011. Continued her study at Istanbul University where she received the M.A. in Radio, TV and Cinema. Currently working on a dissertation in film reception studies. The thesis deals with the film reception of Turkish migrant families regarding to art-house films. Research interests are in the areas of media reception, cultural studies, sociology of film and philosophy of film.
Academic publications:
- Proposal for Developing a Children’s News Program in Turkey:
Logo! Die Welt Und Ich. Istanbul University Faculty of Communication Journal, Year 2017, Issue 53, pp. 65-101 - with Ömer Alkin. Das Migrationsdrama „Das deutsche Kind“ (NDR, 2017). Geschichte, Filmographie und Analyse deutsch-türkischer TV-Produktionen. In: Zeitschrift Rundfunk und Geschichte (Sonderheft zur 47. Jahrestagung des Studienkreises Rundfunk und Geschichte in Bonn 2017), 27-54.