Prof. Dr. Friederike Siller is a Professor for Media Education at TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany. She holds a Ph.D. in education from the University of Mainz, where she was assistant professor from 2012-2014. She has also worked as managing director of a search engine for children fragFINN e.V. and project manager at an NGO for youth protection, the Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of Digital Media Service Providers (FSM e.V.). Her research interests are in the field of children and digital media; digital literacy; children’s rights, privacy and safety.
Recent Publications:
- Siller, F. (2019): „Maschinelles Spielen“? Vom elektrischem Spielzeug zum Internet of Toys. In: Fleischer, S. & Hajok, D. (Hrsg.): Medienerziehung in der digitalen Welt. Grundlagen und Konzepte für Familie, Kita, Schule und Soziale Arbeit. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- Siller, F./Paas, F. (2018): Kindheit und digitaler Wandel. In: Lohrentz, U. (Hrsg.). Handbuch Recht in der Kita. Wolter Kluwer: Köln.
- Kutscher, N./Ley, T./Seelmeyer, U./Siller, F./Tillmann, A./Zorn, I. (Eds.): Handbuch Soziale Arbeit und Digitalisierung. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa (in press)