Angela Schwarz is a historian with a wide range of research interests, including the representation of history in a number of media and formats. They range from illustrated magazines, universal expositions and trading cards down to the world wide web and videogames as the most modern. She pioneered the study of history in videogames in Germany in the early 2000s and has been working in the field ever since. She is currently working on a book on videogames and historical learning.
Selected academic and media publications:
- „Wollten Sie auch immer schon einmal pestverseuchte Kühe auf Ihre Gegner werfen?“ Eine fachwissenschaftliche Annäherung an Geschichte im Computerspiel, Münster 2010
- Narration and Narrative: (Hi)story Telling in Computer Games, in: Florian Kerschbaumer, Tobias Winnerling (Hrsg.): Early Modernity and Video Games, Newcastle 2014, S. 140-161
- Game Studies und Geschichtswissenschaft, in: Klaus Sachs-Hombach, Jan-Noël Thon (Hrsg.): Game Studies. Aktuelle Ansätze der Computerspielforschung, Cologne 2015, S. 398-447
- Destination Past: Showcasing History and Historical Time as an Attraction at World Exhibitions, in: Filippo Carlà-Uhink, Florian Freitag, Sabrina Mittermeier, Ariane Schwarz (Hrsg.): Time and Temporality in Theme Parks, Hanover 2017, S. 43-62 [1]