• The 9th Clash of Realities Conference, 2018: November 12–14 | Cologne, Germany

    For the ninth time, the Clash of Realities international research conference is providing the opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange and dialogue. Experts from the academy, science and research, economics, politics, and the game industry will discuss pressing questions concerning the artistic design, technological development, and social perception of digital games, as well as the spreading of games literacy.



    Studying Games – Clash of Realities Summit at QUO VADIS: April 9, 2019 | Berlin Germany

    Study something respectable, my child. Become a doctor, or a game designer.” Okay, we have not yet reached the point where parents wish their children would earn a living in the games industry. Although the academic programs for young talents and prospective students are up to the task. Universities in Germany and throughout Europe offer a variety of game related Bachelor and Master courses, with specializations ranging from Game Design to Game Programming to Game Economics and Game Studies.

    This conference welcomes scholars, social scientists, game developers, specialists in education and media, up-and-coming creative talents, students, and all those interested in and excited by digital games.

    More than 50 international speakers from the academy, science and research, economics, politics and the game industry along with an enthusiastic audience will convene at the Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln – University of Applied Science, a pillar of interdisciplinary exchange and dialogue.


    ++ News ++

    With their anthology “Games studieren?” (“Studying Games”), prominent German game academics present current developments and perspectives in their fields of work. The Clash of Realities Summit at Quo Vadis summarizes the insights of the anthology on the situation of games education in Germany, including the practical involvement of companies from the video game industry. Furthermore, the summit features renowned international speakers who will provide a comparative overview of academic teaching and research abroad.


    The conference kick-off including the opening keynote will be followed by a day of summits featuring talks, project presentations, panel discussions, and workshops. Finally, the main day of the Clash of Realities will feature renowned speakers from all around the globe.
    Recap: www.colognegamelab.de/research/clash-of-realities-conference/.





    LOCATION: Palais Atelier, Kulturbrauerei Berlin

    TIME: Tuesday, April 9 – 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    FURTHER INFOwww.qvconf.com


    November 12, 2018 – Conference Opening

    10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
    Young Academics Workshop
    Reframing the violence and video games debate

    6:00 PM – 08:30 PM
    Conference Opening Event

    Opening Keynote by Carolyn Petit: What Jurassic Park Taught Me About Building A Better Gaming Culture


    November 14, 2018 – Main Conference Day

    – 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM –
    Keynote Talks & Presentations:

    Cara Ellison
    Clara Fernández-Vara
    Christopher Ferguson
    Jesper Juul
    Christopher Power



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    Official registration is closed, but You can still try to get a ticket at the registration desk on the conference days. Keep in mind though, that we cannot guearentee You a ticket. Especially on the Main Conference Day we usually espect alot of visitors.


    Conference Location


    TH Koeln
    Cologne Game Lab (Conference Location)
    Schanzenstraße 28
    51063 Köln

    For further questions and information concerning the Clash of Realities Conference please contact us below.


    The Program Board & Team of the 9th Clash of Realities

    Björn Bartholdy

    Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln

    Email: bb(at)colognegamelab.de

    Gundolf S. Freyermuth

    Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln

    Email: gsf(at)colognegamelab.de

    Benjamin Beil

    Institut für Medienkultur und Theater,
    Universität zu Köln

    Email: benjamin.beil(at)uni-koeln.de

    Joachim Friedmann

    ifs internationale filmschule köln

    Email: j.friedmann(at)filmschule.de

    Alexandra Hühner

    TH Köln, Cologne Game Lab

    Speaker Contracts

    Email: arh(at)colognelamelab.de

    Nina Kiel

    Freelance game developer and
    video games journalist

    Email: nina.kiel@gmx.net

    Su-Jin Song & Rüdiger Brandis

    Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln

    Public Relations

    Email: sjs@colognegamelab.de, rb@colognegamelab.de

    Phone: +49 221 8275 – 4044

    Martin Lorber

    Electronic Arts

    Email: mlorber(at)ea.com

    Krystian Majewski

    Email: majewski(at)gamedesignreviews.com

    Judith Ruzicka-Grote

    Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln

    Project & Event Management

    Email: jr(at)colognegamelab.de

    Phone: +49 221 8275 – 4059

    Hanns Christian Schmidt

    Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln

    Email: hcs(at)colognegamelab.de

    Simone Stewens

    ifs internationale filmschule köln

    Email: S.Stewens(at)filmschule.de

    Angela Tillmann

    Institut für Medienforschung und
    Medienpädagogik, TH Köln

    Email: angela.tillmann(at)th-koeln.de

    André Weßel

    Institut für Medienforschung und
    Medienpädagogik, TH Köln

    Email: andre.wessel(at)th-koeln.de