Maike Groen was born in the 80ies and started gaming in the 90ies.
Combined with rising political awareness she studied social science and now works as a freelance media educator. She is the speaker for the GMK group “media and gender relations.”
Groen, M. (2020): “Digital Governmentality: Toxicity in Gaming Streams”.
In: Groen, M./Kiel, N./Tillmann, A./Weßel, A. Games and Ethics:
Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Ethical Questions in Digital Game Cultures. Springer VS.
Groen, M. / Jäkel, H. /Tillmann, a: 7 Züchner, I. (2020). E-Sport – Ambivalenzen und Herausforderungen eines globalen, jugendkulturellen Phänomens. 10.2307/j.ctv10h9fjc.37.
Groen, M. (2016). (Un)Doing Gender?: Female Tournaments in the E-Sports Scene. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations. 8. 25-37. 10.4018/IJGCMS.2016100102.