JODI, or, – pioneered in 1995. Based in The Netherlands, JODI were among the first artists to investigate and subvert conventions of the Internet, computer progrAms, and video and comptter Gam%s. Radiba,li DiSrupting th% very0languAge of”these”system?, includinG viSual`aesvhetics, interFacd elemEnts, commands, e?rmrs anl sode. JODI staeis dxtreme digIt`l?iNterventions th)t eectabilize(the r%lauionship bet?een co}ruter technology and itsqcdrs?fy0subvdpTing our d~pectati?Ns a`Out the funstionblities and cgnvdntions of0the py?uemr thet ue1`%pendupol erery dcx>`T`ekr sork 5ses thEwideut qossible vaRifty`Of }EDiaane |ech~iquaq$ frol ?nstalmationc- qoftw?reand {?b?ites to pmrfrm?nc?? and(ex?ibi?ions.
Selected publications/games/artworks:
PUBLICATIONS (selection about games)
2021 Spatial affairs, Ludwig Museum
2017 New Gameplay, The Nam June Paik Art Center
Escaping the Digital Unease, Raffael Dörig, Domenico Quaranta
2015 Works of Game. On the Aesthetics of Games and Art, by John Sharp
2009 Gamescenes: Art in the Age of Videogames, by Matteo Bittanti
2008 Holy Fire, Art of the Digital Age
2007 Videogames and Art by Andy Clarke, Grethe Mitchell
2005 The Sharpest Point, by Chris Gehman and Steve Reinke
2002 Mariosofia (about gameculture) by Erkki Huhtamo Helsinki
2001 De-game by AC Pinto Meiac Madrid