André Weßel is a research associate in the area of media education and a freelance media educator, focusing on ethical questions in digital game culture as well as on the use of digital media in social work. He actually was a social worker for many years, persistently including digital gaming into every day work with his clients. André got his first Commodore 64 when he was 8 years old, fell in love with the Giana Sisters and never recovered from that.
Selected publications:
Weßel, A. (2021). Digitale Spiele im Ethikunterricht. Bildungspotenziale und Kompetenzen nutzen
und entwickeln. In: Ethik & Unterricht, 3/2021. S. 4-8.
Tillmann, A., Weßel, A. (2021). Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in mediatisierten Alltags- und Le-
benswelten. In: Deinet, U., Sturzenhecker, B., Schwanenflügel, L. v., Schwerthelm, M. (Hg.). Hand-
buch Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit. 5. Aufl., Bd. 1. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. S. 841-854.
Weßel, A. (2020): Digital Game Literacy – Potential, Challenges, and Ethical Implications. In: Groen,
M., Kiel, N., Tillmann, A., Weßel, A. (Hg.). Games and Ethics. Theoretical and Empirical Approaches
to Ethical Questions in Digital Game Cultures. Wiesbaden: Springer. S. 177-196.