Dr. Zerrin Yumak is a professor of computer science at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Her research is about believable virtual humans and social robots. She works on computational models of social and emotional behaviors and evaluation of them, in particular non-verbal behavior synthesis, multi-party interaction and emotion and memory modelling. She obtained her PhD from University of Geneva, Switzerland. She did her post-doc at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. She has been the Associate Editor of Visual Computer and Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds journals and she is the program committee member of several conferences such as SCA (Symposium on Computer Animation) and AAMAS (International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems). She co-organizes the IEEE MARCH (Modeling and Animating Realistic Crowds and Humans) and GENEA (Generation and Evaluation of Non-verbal Behaviour for Embodied Agents) workshops. She is the director of the Motion Capture and Virtual Reality Lab at Utrecht University and co-organizer of the Embodied AI initiative.
- A. Klein, Z. Yumak, A. Beij and A. F. van der Stappen. Data-driven Gaze Animation using Recurrent Neural Networks. ACM Siggraph Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games, October 2019
- F. de Coninck, Z. Yumak, G. Sandino and R. Veltkamp. Non-verbal Behavior Generation for Virtual Characters in Group Conversations. 2nd IEEE Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality Conference (IEEE AIVR 2019), December 2019.
- A. Bogaers, Z. Yumak, A. Volk. Music-Driven Animation Generation of Expressive Musical Gestures. ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2020), October 2020.
- C. Charalambous, Z. Yumak, A.F. van der Stappen. Audio‐driven emotional speech animation for interactive virtual characters. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, June 2019
Picture: ©UU Harold van de Kamp