Björn Redecker is a musician and songwriter based in Bielefeld and a doctorate and research fellow at the University of Bielefeld. He has studied Popular Music and Media as B.A. at the University of Paderborn and the Hochschule für Musik Detmold and Interdisciplinary Media Science as M.A. at the University of Bielefeld.
In his master thesis “Immersion und interdisziplinäre Betrachtungsweisen von Computerspielen“, he focused on the implications and consequences of interdisciplinary work within Game Studies. As a doctorate at the University of Bielefeld, he continues to focus on these implications and consequences and tries to build bridges between perspectives and angles on Digital Games as a cultural object and as a phenomenon through the study of Game Music and Game Sound. In his dissertation “Press Play – Das Grenzgängermedium Computerspiel und seine Klangwelten“, he designs Game Music and Game Sound as a projected area and metaphorical vanishing point that highlights complementary ideas in Game Studies and tries to string them together.