Robin Curtis
Robin Curtis is Chair of Media and Cultural Studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. From 2012-2017 she was Professor of Theory and Practice of Audio-visual Media at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf. Born in Toronto. Filmmaker (Nachlass, 1992), Curator (e.g. Special Programme “Out of Time” Oberhausen 2001, Werkleitz Biennale, 2002, Goethe Institute Tour “Geschlecht-Konfliktbewältigung” Israel/Palestine 2003) and Film and Media Scholar.
Recent Publications:
- The Autobiographical Turn in Germanophone Documentary and Experimental Film Hg. Robin Curtis and Angelica Fenner, Camden House Press, 2014; Synchronisierung der Künste. [Synchronizing the Arts] Ed. Robin Curtis Gertrud Koch, Marc Siegel, Fink Verlag 2013;
- Synästhesie-Effekte: zur Intermodalität der äisthetischen Wahrnehmung. [Synaesthetic Effects: The Intermodality of Aesthetic Experience] Ed. Robin Curtis, Marc Glöde and Gertrud Koch. Munich: Fink Verlag, 2010;
- Einfühlung – Zu Geschichte und Gegenwart eines ästhetischen Konzepts. [From Einfühlung to Empathy: The History and Contemporary Career of an Aesthetic Concept] Ed. Robin Curtis and Gertrud Koch. Munich: Fink Verlag, 2008;
- Special Issue “Immersion”, montage/av. Ed. Robin Curtis and Christiane Voss. 2/2/2008;
- Deixis und Evidenz. [Deixis and Evidence] Ed. Horst Wenzel, Ludwig Jäger, Robin Curtis and Christina Lechtermann. Freiburg: Rombach Verlag, 2008.
- Conscientious Viscerality: The Autobiographical Stance in German Film and Video, Berlin: Gebrüder Mann Verlag / Edition Imorde, 2006;
- She is currently completing a monograph entitled Immersion and Abstraction that considers the ways in which immersion is a historically specific term that has often pertained to forms of media experience that depart quite radically from realism or naturalism.