• Nick Montfort

    Nick Montfort develops computational art and poetry. His computer-generated books of poetry include “#!”, “the collaboration 2×6″, “Autopia”, and (forthcoming this year) “The
    Among his more than fifty digital projects are the collaborations “The Deletionist”, “Sea and Spar Between”, and the Renderings project. He participates in the demoscene, exhibits digital work in galleries, and is the author of several interactive fictions and the IF system Curveship. Montfort’s MIT Press books, collaborative and individual, are: “The New Media Reader”, edited with Noah Wardrip-Fruin; “Twisty Little Passages”; “Racing the Beam”, written with Ian Bogost; “10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10″, a collaboration with nine other authors which he organized; and most recently “Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities”. The MIT Press will publish his book “The Future” this year. Montfort is professor of digital media at MIT and lives in New York and Boston.

    Posted June 26, 2017 in: by admin

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