Inclusive Worlds of Games – Media Education Summit
Digital games are continuously gaining in popularity as a leisure activity. In addition to their entertainment value, digital games are receiving more and more attention for their educational potential. There are numerous indications that games not only promote social, strategic and motor skills, but they can also broaden the player’s perspective in general. Digital gaming worlds offer potentialialities not only for obtaining developing skills, but also for identity formation and community-building. It turns out, however, that not all people can participate equally. Both from a technical and a social perspective, access to digital gaming worlds is oftentimes made difficult or denied, and exclusion processes continue to take place. In light of our goal to provide inclusive media education in digital gaming culture, the question arises: what types of technical and social barriers prevent people from participating? At the same time, it is necessary to discuss what political, cultural and educational measures are necessary in order to increase opportunities for participation, to reduce problems deriving from communication culture and to promote inclusive media education in digital gaming worlds.
Contact Program Managers:
Martin Lorber: mlorber(at)
Angela Tillmann: angela.tillmann(at)
André Wessel: andre.wessel(at)