Film & Games Summit:
Creating Storyworlds
Storyworlds, as representations of rules and features of imaginary worlds, are all around us. But why? And how are they related to and affected by film and games?
How do story worlds communicate? How is world building an expressive and human activity? And how is it connected to and influenced by the digital revolution? How are story worlds constituted by film and games? How do rules generate worlds?
This summit undertakes a theoretical and practical examination and discussion of world building as a dynamic and expressive activity with national and international experts from film and games.
Responsible for the concept and the program presentation of “Creating Storyworlds”: ifs internationale filmschule köln.
Contact: Csongor Baranyai, c.baranyai(at)
The Summit is presented in collaboration with Creative Europe Desk NRW and Film und Medien Stiftung NRW.